ISLAM – “The Great Uniter”
One may have a lot of bad things to say about Radical Islam, but at least Islamics aren’t bigots.
White, Black, Gay, Christian, Jew, Hispanic, Oriental or any other distinctions between cultures and races are all treated equally under Islam.
The class and culture warfare, racial divides and political posturing with which we ‘infidels’ waste our time and energy mean precisely squat under Islam.
We are all the same in the eyes of Allah.
We are all infidels and we must be killed.
(Period, end of statement, that’s it.)
Who are the first ‘groups’ to be stoned, persecuted, prosecuted and beheaded when a nation allows the spread and legitimization of Sharia law, culture and customs?
Jews, Christians, Homosexuals, Women and ‘peaceful’ Muslims are generally first in the cross-hairs, followed closely by anyone else deemed immoral or an infidel, regardless of race and nationality.
A ‘Bible Thumper’ might tell you that you are going to Hell, but radical Islamists want to personally arrange the trip.
I’d much rather waste a few minutes making polite to a Jehovah’s Witness than deal with the bloody mess after an angry jihadi, bent on my death shows up at my doorstep.
Attention Liberals: If you think evangelical Christians are a pain, try Islam on for size.
And if you want to see a real war on Women, just open your eyes to what’s happening under Islam today. (You will have your choice of Burka in either Black, or Black.)
These wonderfully tolerant humanitarians won’t understand, respect or tolerate you, and they won’t make empty threats or negotiate. They’ll just exterminate you, your family and your neighborhood like they are doing today in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and now, the United States.
I don’t know enough to speak on the Muslim treatment of Lesbians, but if it’s anything like the way they treat Women in general, you gals have a real treat in store under Islam.
Transgender men might live a little while longer. I suppose that “under your burka, no one knows you’re a guy,”
This does not mean, however, that Radical Islamists won’t continue raping animals, women, infants and children — apparently Mohamed is OK with that.
Then again, they might not kill you — there’s always slavery. Islam not only condones it, but encourages it.
After a few hundred years, America finally took the moral high ground, and whatever the motive, abolished the institution of slavery. Islam, however, not so much.
If Black people, especially Black Christians think they were treated as chattel by Whites in the past, wait until the Muslims start re-enslaving you in this country the way they do today in Africa and elsewhere. (THEY call Black people ‘Raisins’)
I hope most will agree that Sharia law and Islamic culture don’t provide a nurturing environment for any creative, inventive, peaceful, free, or alternative thought or lifestyle. (Except perhaps murder, rape, bestiality and pedophilia, but as I said, Mohamed is apparently OK with those.)
At the end, only two so-called classes of people will matter — us, and them.
Whether you are Black, White, Christian, Atheist, Woman, Man, Gay, Transgender, Fundamentalist Homophobe, Drag Queen, Bull Dyke, Priest, Rabbi, Minister, Klan Member, Black Panther, Nazi, Jew and / or anyone else who is not ‘them’ please take note.
If you are not one of them, you are one of us.
And since we are all in this together, we must get along, at least until our common threat is eliminated?
It’s time for Bible Thumpers to put the Hellfire and Brimstone on the back burner for a while.
It’s time for every-day bigots to “fake” color blindness and for gay people to stop acting like a bunch of attention starved, spoiled children, and the homophobes to toss out the bravado and focus on a real threat.
And can we please ratchet down the abortion chatter for a while?
In Islam, husbands do their own abortions, with long curved blades, in the street.
I want our civilization to survive long enough to have that and other arguments, so I’ll put it aside if you will, at least until we get this fixed.
More is at stake here than the right to peacefully hate one another, our very existence is in jeopardy. Maybe we can afford the luxury of bigotry and hate sometime in the future, but right now we are all, and by all, I mean every one of us who is not them, in a fight for our lives.
A bloated, corrupt and runaway government allows, and even facilitates the process.
First and only priority should be getting our nation back into the hands of We The People.
Can we please get along with one another just long enough to get our country under control?
Only then, can we afford the luxury of squabbling over comparatively irrelevant differences from choice of sleeping partner to skin color and political party.
If we don’t act soon, “those of us who are not them,” will vanish forever from the face of the Earth.
If we do, perhaps we will have learned to work together, and disagree over things that actually matter.
But what do I know, I’m just a conflict weary old ex spook?
And that’s today’s view from Egg Manor
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