* Among those who have used our consulting services, attended, sponsored attendance or subscribed to seminars and training programs or keynote addresses delivered by Steve Eggleston are:
Advanta Seeds Pacific, Inc.
Allegheny Power
Allied Signal Aerospace
Air Intelligence Agency
The American Bible Society
American Express
American Luggage Dealers Association
The American Medical Association
The American Seed Trade Association
American Standard Corporation
Ameritech Communications
Amtrol, Inc.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Arthur Anderson
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Arizona Department of Transportation
Armed Forces Radio-Biological Research Institute
Arrow Electronics
AT&T Communications
Augusta State University
Baltimore Gas and Electric
Baltimore Orioles
The Barker Company
B.C. Harris Publishing
Beech Aircraft
Bell Atlantic Meridian Systems
Best-Buy, Inc.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Black and Decker
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Ohio
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New York
Bob Bondurant’s School of High Performance Driving
Booz Allen & Hamilton
Boy Scouts of America
Bradlees, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
B-P Oil Company
Busch Entertainment Corp.
Canadian Wildlife Federation
CelPril Corporation
Center for Applied Energy Research
Central Carolina Technical College
Century 400 Corporation
Chase Manhattan Mortgagge Corp.
ChildServ (Chicago)
Clemson University
CIBA Corporation
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Title Insurance
Cincinnati Milacron
The City of Alexandria (VA)
The City of Cincinnati
The City of Corpus Christi (TX)
City of Flagstaff (AZ)
The City of Houston (TX)
The City of Louisville (KY)
City of Savannah, GA
CNA Insurance
Columbus (OH) Police Department
Commonwealth Edison
Compaq Computer Corporation
Computer Sciences Corporation
Computerworld, Inc.
Cook County Public Defenders Office
Coopers and Lybrand
Cornell University
Corning, Inc.
Council of State Governments
County of San Diego
Cox Communications
CPE Accounting and Tax Institute
Crestar Bank
Dairy Farmers of America
DEC International/Alkar/Bou-Matic Divisions
Defense Information School
Deloitte & Touche
Duke University School of Medicine
Dunn & Bradstreet
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastman Chemical Company
Eastman Kodak
Eglin Air Force Base
Emory University
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
Exxon Chemical Company
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Express
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Fidelity Investments
First Card
Fleet Bank
Ford Motor Company
Fort Knox Federal Credit Union
Frontier Communications
General Electric Corporation
General Mills, Inc.
Georgetown University
Georgia Seedsmen’s Association
Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Southern University
Gerber Scientific Products
Gibson Greeting Cards
Gospel Hour, Inc.
The Greater Phoenix Economic Development Council
GTE Telecommunications
GTE Airfone
Gunter Air Force Base
The Henkel Corporation
Harley Davidson Motor Company
Harrah’s Entertainment
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library
Hewlett Packard
Honeywell, Inc.
Hopi Foundation
Hopi Tribe
Hunter College
IBM Mid-America Credit Union
Illinois Federation of Teachers
International Foundation for Retirement Education (InFRE)
Iowa Newspaper Association
Council General of Indonesia
INOVA Health Care Systems
John Deere Manufacturing
Johns Hopkins University Medical Center-Pathology Dept.
Johnson & Johnson
Jones Intercable
J. Walter Thompson
Kaiser Permanente
Kansas State University
Kentucky Center for the Arts
The Kennedy Krieger Institute
K.P.M.G. Peat Marwick
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Kincannon & Reed
City of Kingman (AZ)
Kobrand Corporation
Kroker Company
Lenox Collections
Lockheed Martin
Long John Silvers
Lucent Technologies
M & M Mars
Management Graphics, Incorporated
Mayo Clinic
MGI International User Group
Marriott International
The Maryland Science Center
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Mead Paper
The Medical College of Georgia
The Medical College of Virginia
The Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical University of South Carolina
Merrill Lynch
Meisel Photographic Corporation
Metropolitan Life
Miami University
Michigan State University
Michigan State Police
Michigan Department of Public Health
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Tech University
Milwaukee Public Schools
Minneapolis Association of Realtors
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Air National Guard
Minnesota Department of Transportation
MultiGrazer Forage Mixtures by Advanta
Mutual of Omaha
The National Association of Credit Managers
The National Association of Credit Card Investigators
The National Association of Realtors
The National Business Travel Association (NBTA)
National Insurance Crime Bureau
National Luggage Dealers Association
National Seminars Group
National Society of Colonial Dames of America-MD Chapter
National Telecommunications Cooperative Association
National Weather Service
Navajo Department of Law Enforcement
University of Nebraska
Nevada Power Co.
New York City Transit
New York Life Insurance Company
New York Power Authority
The New York Stock Exchange
Northern Arizona University
Northwest Airlines
Ohio State Bar Association
Ohio State University
Oklahoma Parks and Recreation
Oneida Indian Nation
Paper Direct
The Peace Corps
Philip Morris
City of Phoenix Fire Department
Pillsbury Company
Playboy Enterprises
Post Newsweek Cable
Prescott Valley (AZ) Police Department
Prism Speakers Bureau
Proctor & Gamble
Prudential Insurance Co.
Reynolds Metals
Rockwell International
Quaker Oats
Red River Valley and Western Railroad
The Republican Party of Virginia
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockwell Automation
The Salvation Army
SATO Travel
Savannah River Site
Sharp Electronics
Smithsonian Institution
South Carolina Electric and Gas
South Carolina Health and Human Services
South Carolina Port Authority
Spring-Green Lawn Care
Sprint Communications
State Farm Insurance
Syracuse University
3-M Corporation
Time-Warner Cable
Treasure Island Resort-Casino
Tuskegee University
Union Carbide
United Airlines
United Cerebral Palsy Association
United Parcel Service
The University of Cincinnati
The University of Colorado
The University of Houston
The University of Louisville
The University of Michigan – Biomedical Communications
The University of Minnesota
The University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
The University of New Mexico – Extended Learning
The University of Texas – M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center
University of Toledo
University of Wisconsin
United Airlines
U.S. Cellular
U.S. Air Force – 201st Airlift Squadron
United States Army – Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Medical Command
U.S. Army – Public Affairs
United States Army – Training & Documentation Command (TRADOC)
United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
United States Bureau of Prisons
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service
United States Department of Health and Human Services
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
United States Department of Interior
United States Department of Labor
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States Naval Safety Center
United States Naval Surface Warfare Center
United States Postal Service
United States Social Security Administration
US Gypsum
US Network Communications
Utica College
Vanderbilt University, Biomedical Communications
Virginia Community College System
Virginia Commonwealth University, M.C.V.- Media Services
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
Virginia Department of Social Services
Virginia Power
Virginia State Police
Volunteers of America
Walgreen Company
The Warner Lambert Corporation, Capsugel Division
Western Illinois University
Western Union
Westvaco Corporation
Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation
Wisconsin Gas
Wise County and the City of Norton, Virginia
Xerox Corporation
Zurich Kemper
* Note: Because of the sensitive nature of some projects, some clients are omitted for security and/or privacy reasons.
Inclusion in the above list does not imply endoresement by any person or company, merely the fact that they attended, sponsored attendance or subscribed to seminars, training programs, keynote addresses and/or received technical services delivered by Steve Eggleston.
Obviously, all Trade Names and/or Trade Marks and the like are the property of their registered owners. (Duh!)