The Mergeless Moron
Who hasn’t secretly wished that little button on the dash was really connected to a couple of fifty-calibers behind the signal lights?
Regardless of whether they are pathological, or merely clueless, these Bozos
contribute to traffic tie-ups at every merge point and are downright dangerous.
Right Lane Ends 1 Mile Ahead! | |
Right Lane Ends 1/2 Mile Ahead! | |
Right Lane Ends 1/4 Mile Ahead! | |
Big Flashing Sign |
Right Lane Ends 1,000 Feet | |
Right Lane Ends 500 Feet | |
Right Lane Ends 100 Feet |
And who do you find at a dead stop,
wedged between the Jersey wall and the last possible orange cone?
“The Mergeless Moron”
Where the hell do they get off being so impatient that they blast by the rest of us, illegally, on the right shoulder. Then, when they finally come to a rude, screeching halt, they try to take advantage of some timid wimp who’ll feel compelled to come to a complete stop and let them in. This, of course, causes a further slow-down in traffic, spawning even more clueless, selfish inconsiderate lumps of road rage bait! Personally, you’ll be a cobweb covered skeleton before I stop to let you in! And by the way, if you’re tempted to just nose out into traffic anyway — keep in mind that I need a new truck and the accident will be YOUR fault. If you want my lawyer just dial 1-900-URSCREWED! His office is right over the “Pit Bull Emporium!” If there is any justice, perhaps one of the other categories of roadway jerk will be distracted while texting, talking on a cell phone, or reading the paper and will even the karma for all of us!
have to drive both sober and unarmed!
But that’sanother rant!
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