US-backed Free Syrian Army rebels are currently attacking and burning Christian churches, shooting Christians in the street, broadcasting ultimatums that all non-Muslims must be cleansed from the rebel-held villages, and actively killing priests.
This is who our current administration backs to overthrow Assad.
I will grant you that Assad is one evil S.O.B. but until this point, he was our evil S.O.B. The rebels are Al-Queda backed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
His replacement, however, was the Ayatollah Khomeini, a far worse tyrant, zealot and murderer. As evil as Khomeini was his successors pushed evil to a new level.
More recently, the United States helped hand our old ally Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood. The slaughter of Christians there soon followed. See: The Crystal Tower at the Embassy of Iran
On several levels, we (The United States) enabled these men. We willingly jumped from a political frying pan into an inhuman fire, never giving pause to the consequences of our actions.
Today, we are doing the same. We are working to put the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Syria.
So please look long and hard at this image. If you find it disturbing, good, you have a conscience — if not, you have no soul.
You and I bear no responsibility for the murder of children at Newtowm or the bombings in Boston.
This pictured slaughter of innocents, however, is being funded by our tax dollars, with the tacit approval of our government.
We may persecute many organizations for their funding of terrorism, but perhaps we need to look into our own conscience.
When the Militant Islamists become the majority, it will be too late.
So yes, this image is disturbing, as it should be.
Look at it — REALLY look at it and see, REALLY see what is happening.
Show it to your children and let them know that this is what happens when evil triumphs.
Post it – Re-Post it and DISTURB as many people as you can.
It’s past time for us to be disturbed, it’s time for us to be outraged.
Tell your government, in no uncertain terms, that you will not stand for the triumph of evil.
It doesn’t matter if you are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic or even Muslim – you should not merely be disturbed by this image, you should be angry.
Are you sufficiently angry to take Ten Minutes and write a real, pen on paper letter to your alleged representatives and tell them that “You are angry as Hell and you are not going to take it any more?”
Or will it take an attack on your church, school or day-care center to wake you up from your complacency?
Will you have to feel the same pain and loss that the parents of the pictured slain children are feeling?
By then, of course, it will be too late.
Remember: “If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.”
Wake up America, and smell the rotting corpses.
And yes, you should be disturbed — very disturbed.
And that’s the view from Egg Manor
aka the House of Perpetual Construction
WARNING: DISTURBING IMAGE of Murdered Children — No Comments
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