Historical Chart of Violent Crimes in the United States
Crime in the United States
by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 1992–2011
Year | Population1 | Violent crime | Violent crime rate | Murder and non-negligent manslaughter |
Forcible rape | Robbery | Aggravated assault | Property crime | Burglary | Larceny- theft | Motor vehicle theft |
1992 | 255,029,699 | 1,932,274 | 757.7 | 23,760 | 109,062 | 672,478 | 1,126,974 | 12,505,917 | 2,979,884 | 7,915,199 | 1,610,834 |
1993 | 257,782,608 | 1,926,017 | 747.1 | 24,526 | 106,014 | 659,870 | 1,135,607 | 12,218,777 | 2,834,808 | 7,820,909 | 1,563,060 |
1994 | 260,327,021 | 1,857,670 | 713.6 | 23,326 | 102,216 | 618,949 | 1,113,179 | 12,131,873 | 2,712,774 | 7,879,812 | 1,539,287 |
1995 | 262,803,276 | 1,798,792 | 684.5 | 21,606 | 97,470 | 580,509 | 1,099,207 | 12,063,935 | 2,593,784 | 7,997,710 | 1,472,441 |
1996 | 265,228,572 | 1,688,540 | 636.6 | 19,645 | 96,252 | 535,594 | 1,037,049 | 11,805,323 | 2,506,400 | 7,904,685 | 1,394,238 |
1997 | 267,783,607 | 1,636,096 | 611.0 | 18,208 | 96,153 | 498,534 | 1,023,201 | 11,558,475 | 2,460,526 | 7,743,760 | 1,354,189 |
1998 | 270,248,003 | 1,533,887 | 567.6 | 16,974 | 93,144 | 447,186 | 976,583 | 10,951,827 | 2,332,735 | 7,376,311 | 1,242,781 |
1999 | 272,690,813 | 1,426,044 | 523.0 | 15,522 | 89,411 | 409,371 | 911,740 | 10,208,334 | 2,100,739 | 6,955,520 | 1,152,075 |
2000 | 281,421,906 | 1,425,486 | 506.5 | 15,586 | 90,178 | 408,016 | 911,706 | 10,182,584 | 2,050,992 | 6,971,590 | 1,160,002 |
20012 | 285,317,559 | 1,439,480 | 504.5 | 16,037 | 90,863 | 423,557 | 909,023 | 10,437,189 | 2,116,531 | 7,092,267 | 1,228,391 |
2002 | 287,973,924 | 1,423,677 | 494.4 | 16,229 | 95,235 | 420,806 | 891,407 | 10,455,277 | 2,151,252 | 7,057,379 | 1,246,646 |
2003 | 290,788,976 | 1,383,676 | 475.8 | 16,528 | 93,883 | 414,235 | 859,030 | 10,442,862 | 2,154,834 | 7,026,802 | 1,261,226 |
2004 | 293,656,842 | 1,360,088 | 463.2 | 16,148 | 95,089 | 401,470 | 847,381 | 10,319,386 | 2,144,446 | 6,937,089 | 1,237,851 |
2005 | 296,507,061 | 1,390,745 | 469.0 | 16,740 | 94,347 | 417,438 | 862,220 | 10,174,754 | 2,155,448 | 6,783,447 | 1,235,859 |
2006 | 299,398,484 | 1,435,123 | 479.3 | 17,309 | 94,472 | 449,246 | 874,096 | 10,019,601 | 2,194,993 | 6,626,363 | 1,198,245 |
2007 | 301,621,157 | 1,422,970 | 471.8 | 17,128 | 92,160 | 447,324 | 866,358 | 9,882,212 | 2,190,198 | 6,591,542 | 1,100,472 |
2008 | 304,059,724 | 1,394,461 | 458.6 | 16,465 | 90,750 | 443,563 | 843,683 | 9,774,152 | 2,228,887 | 6,586,206 | 959,059 |
2009 | 307,006,550 | 1,325,896 | 431.9 | 15,399 | 89,241 | 408,742 | 812,514 | 9,337,060 | 2,203,313 | 6,338,095 | 795,652 |
2010 | 309,330,219 | 1,251,248 | 404.5 | 14,722 | 85,593 | 369,089 | 781,844 | 9,112,625 | 2,168,459 | 6,204,601 | 739,565 |
2011 | 311,591,917 | 1,203,564 | 386.3 | 14,612 | 83,425 | 354,396 | 751,131 | 9,063,173 | 2,188,005 | 6,159,795 | 715,373 |
1 Populations are U.S. Census Bureau provisional estimates as of July 1 for each year except 2000 and 2010, which are decennial census counts 2 The murder and nonnegligent homicides that occurred as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, are not included in this table. Source: FBI Uniform Crime Statistics |

In the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force.
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